Safex tokens sent to 0.0.7 wallet address! Today [RESOLVED]

I have been dealing with Trade Satoshis locking my account out over and over. I finally was able to logon and afterwards I went to and downloaded the 0.0.7 Wallet and withdrew my tokens to the auto generated address in the ‘Recieve’ tab judt a few hours ago. I was unaware of the new website and the 1.0 Token/Cash wallet. Will all of my tokens be lost in the abyss forever? There may be an option to cancel withdrawl from TradeSatoshi as there are currently 0 confirmations. What should I do? Should I be worried?

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No. This is the correct wallet needed for the coins on Trade Satoshi.

Unfortunately Trade Satoshi are notorious for paying tiny transaction fees which means some people have experienced it take days to withdraw.

The other wallet is for the new blockchain which you need to migrate to. Information on how can be found here:

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That is great news. Thanks for the response.

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