Safex Wallet for the first time - no register option

Please I ask for your help. I have just downloaded iOS Wallet v0.0.5 for first time from There’s no option for register a new account. I have watched tutorial videos and all posts related to wallet. it seems something strange on website, it doesn’t look like tutorials: This is what I see when I enter to the wallet for first time, look the pic

are you sure that you haven’t had a wallet in the past before, and maybe you deleted it?

solved. thank you!

@kathyce what turned out to be the solution?

Hi @dandabek, in fact I have created the wallet but I erased it by error, so next time I dowload the wallet I was expecting to register by user and password…that was my confusion. thank you very much for your help

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Hello, i have the same issue and i never created wallet before. the strange is no username is asked to login. I still have my private key. can someone please help me to transfer my tokens to exchanges?