Safex Wallet Tutorial go to 10:50

If you don’t have any coins in it you can reset it in top right hand corner.

Thanks, tried that but it still asks for password and I don’t have one.

Thanks but again it still ask for the password.

Are you sure its not asking to CREATE password?

This might be of help to you:

Best Wishes!

1 Like

Yes. Problem is solved now, thank you.

Thank you!!

Hi @NoirCap

See my post @jcasale in this thread.

Am I able to send SafeX coins from my SafeX wallet direct into SafeX on trade Satoshi ?

Hi All,

I just sent my Safex Tokens from Bittrex to my new Safex wallet but I don’t see them but with I look in the blockexplorer I see that I have .09 cents what is that?

Bittrex show them as transfered.

This is my wallet address from the safex wallet 1KjG75GmXNaj3jtHdXZpFVuh95S9yaoNR6

Can someone please let me know where my 9435.33417742 tokes are?

Thanks in advance

Hi, does anyone know until which date I can hold my coins on Cryptopia?

Its not determined yet, so still at least a month

Thankis. So then I will not move my Safex coins for now. And do you know if Cryptopia is gonna mention it when they will close it? So that I can withdraw my coins just in time?

Support guy told me that they will make official statement when delisting.

I need to update my wallet i have exported both my private keys and wallet.dat file should i go and download the 0.05 wallet and import my private keys or i don’t need to import private keys after download i just login after download sorry for bothering because i have lost coins previously on my old wallet before

Just download is fine. It will overwrite previous version.

but it has been delisted already right? Or only under maintenance still on Cryptopia? I think the team should be more open about the whole delisting debacle and especially present us more heads up about possible new exchanges to be listed on. Why isn’t that happening?

Safex is supposed to be offered on this exchange when they up and running. There is more information elsewhere in the forum about it.

Hey, i’ve just downloaded the new wallet version .5 after previously having the old wallet. It has just overwritten it but now when i’ve logged in, i can’t see my safex coins. Are there any further steps required?
