SAFEX Wallet unable to send

i did this thing like ower and ower like 10 times allready with same ammounts the first time i did it was like 5 h ago

we’re well aware of the issue

jesus christ … u should warn people before they use your wallet… basically i hawe lost my coins for now … thanks …

You’re not correct, you have not lost any coins.

well i cant get to them i cant trade them they are on your wallet not on my exchange so theyr basicaly gone out of my reach … + another bugg when u try to export wallet it shows all balances 0 even if i hawe 16k safex coins in there and some BTC

Those are internally utilized fields. Your balance exists on the blockchain, not in some file that comes out of the wallet.

@mozzus how much bitcoin do you have on your wallet, you probably can’t send because you dont have enough bitcoins to cover the fee…

@dandabek well there was a fee of 0.0001 btc now iw sent to wallet 0.00015 BTC iven so i cant send anything out of it … + anotehr thing why is this walelt even asking fee in BTC ? all other wallets ask a fee of theyr own coin not in a btc , thats kinda stupid …

That is the omni-protcol which requires the BTC fee. Remember safex is an omni-protocol token/coin that resides on the BTC blockchain, and that is why the fee is in BTC.

This is the reason to transfer it to the chille blockchain when it goes live

Hello Dan,

There is problem with the fees. You can send Safex with fee which is more than 0,00242590 BTC. Wallet sugest me that fee 0,0001 BTC is enought. I had 0,0001 BTC in the wallet and I could not send it. I have put more BTC on my adress, Wallet sugest me fee 0,0001 BTC I agree for that I sent it, it is working but wallet took 0,00242590 BTC fee.

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Okay, if you choose safex it will suggest using 0.002 if you send btc it will suggest 0.0001

If you send safex with 0.0001 it will take way longer.

It should be like you write. The problem is that I choose fee 0.0001 and I want to wait more, but the wallet charge me 0.002 anyway.

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I see let me test that…

I just changed the fee to 0.0002 and it’s going through it didn’t force me to pay a specific fee

you can see the pending fee 0.00026989

hello i hawe this problem , my transaction is in pending status for like 8 hours now , on page when i check my adres i see that i hawe payd 0.0001274 fee and also i see this

so what is wrong in this case when i will be able to get my coins ? here in this image u can see that i hawe payd transaction fee

This “unable to decode transaction” is exactly how it works, Congratulations, you just sent some Safex coins.

Of course you sent with the smallest fee 0.0001 which will leave you waiting for a little while…

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So… Safex wallet doesn’t send.

It says Confirm -> then I click -> Says pending -> then I click -> Shows empty transaction, and close button.

Pretty major flaw guys. Nothing registered in block explorer.

Does it dissapear from the contents of the wallet?


I just gave up, exported my private key and used omniwallet.