Stagenet 1: Windows GUI

Didn’t find this issue posted anywhere.

Anyone else have the problem where you can’t type numbers into the fields (Staking or quantity to buy)? I have to copy and paste a number in the field box, then it allows me to type numbers in the box. Doesn’t happen all the time.

I also randomly get a blue screen after a purchasing or swapping tabs (sometimes), cannot do anything with the wallet. Have to reload.


Yes. Others have also experienced those glitches.

For the locked up entry fields, if you Toggle Development Tools in the View dropdown, it frees up the field for another use. Repeat…


Good day all!

Finally got around to setting up my wallet. As someone that isn’t particularly tech savvy I was a bit hesitant as I thought it would be a little tricky. It wasn’t too bad at all! And I am up and running. Please may I have some test tokens:

I look forward to testing and giving feedback from a purely non-tech perspective. I guess that’s just as vital seeing as we want something that EVERYONE uses! :slight_smile:

Have a great day all!


Coins otw :white_check_mark:


to better the flow.
current flow: after offer listing and the transaction has been submitted, the form doesn’t reset in values to 0

better flow: to empty the form after submission and show “success msg”