Trouble with exporting unencrypted keys

I am setting up my wallet on OS x version. I have exported and saved my unencrypted wallet, but each time I try to export my unencrypted keys, where the public and private lines appear, it says ‘command not found’… I don’t know what to do…

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Thanks for bringing this up. We will see what we can do to recreate the issue, is the wallet working for you? The encrypted version should be suiting you OK for now while we understand what could be the issue.

Hi, I havnt really used the wallet yet because I don’t want to send safex to it until I have my private keys and can login, logout and import private keys…

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That’s a good thing, will get back to you when we can.

Where does this show up? In a text file that is generated by the “export unencrypted”?

yeh it shows up once i save the unencrypted keys, and then open file

Any ideas?
I would really love to get my safex off the exchange…

For the immediate term, I suggest taking your encrypted wallet file and importing it on another computer.

Further info you should provide us is: what version of operating system you are using?

42 pm

Ok, I’ll try on another computer for short term.

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