Unconfirmed SAFEX Transaction

Hi Dan/Team,
Yesterday, I performed a transaction to get 10K SAFEX Coins. I do see that the Balance is available for the BTC address provided by Safex.io (I Have Verified the Balance on Blockchain.info) but the problem is, Destination address SAFEX public Address (16thkDJ2iK47FyC3DNznrFVmBQsemn7Uou) did not received any funding in SAFEX wallet. Please help me out to find out what went wrong with the transaction I performed yesterday.

Adding a Screenshot for your reference. BTW -> I’m seeing a message saying that please allow up to 24 Hours to see your balance on your address. It’s already been more than 30 Hours.

Nothing went wrong, your coins are enroute :slight_smile:

Thanks Dan for quick reply.
Do you know approx. how much time is it going to take?

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you’re all set by now :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot Dan.

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