Who changed my profile settings?

Just wondering who changed my profile settings?

OR was it a system wide change from showing “latest” to “categories”???

As an Admin on another discourse forum, I know this sort of change is not typically liked by people who typically have set their preferences to their preference.

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We’ve had an overhaul of the forums. New categories, settings etc. All the options are still there, just in a different place.

It was overdue as some of the old categories reflected older dialogue (Chille chain, etc).


sorry about that @rob; I also was used to the other format; however, now I am getting used to the new layout of the home screen; :slight_smile:

I just went back into preferences and changed it back to the way it was. :sunglasses:

It was annoying and happened while I was reading posts.

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Threads are on the right; and you have a category sorting on the left; not bad if the categories starts to grow significantly; The current version discourse put out with this split view imo has significantly improved :sunrise_over_mountains:

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