Migration problem - BTC transactions [Solved]

There should be enough BTC for both transactions. Due to BTC fees dynamics it is safe to load some more and then withdraw after the migration.
At the moment the amount needed is around 0.0023 BTC as marko0spasic wrote. Thanks!
[end SOLVED]

Hi to all,
seems I have a problem with migration. I have tried to migrate, but it seems that I am just loosing my transaction’s btc. The last error was UTXOs {similar to error getting UTXOs Error: Transaction has no inputs}

{Wallet, 0.0.7; Debian Stable}

  1. error getting UTXOs Error screenshot

  2. error broadcasting transaction Error


Brate dodaj jos BTC-a u novcanik. Nije ti dovoljno tih 94k sat sto imas.

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0.00094419 za drugi dio?
ostavim da se load-a, drugi dio & posaljem na adresu
pokrenem sve ponovo, sa cca. 0.002000 btc-a


Posalji jos 0.002000btc u wallet i onda tek nastavi sa sledecim korakom, i meni je trazio tako jos btc-a i izbacivao tu poruku.

Vec sam pokreno 2 dio. jbg.
kako dalje?

Nema veze sto si pokrenuo drugi deo nemas dovoljno btc-a u walletu posalji jos 0.002 btc na tvoju adresu i kad ti legne btc moci ces da predjes na sledeci korak. Meni je za migraciju trebalo ukupno oko 0.0023 btc.


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