Status Safe Exchange\Chille project 2017


I invested heavely in Safe Exchange for almost a year ago. I understand that the Safe Exchange won’t be developed for the Maidsafe network and that it will be on the Blockchain with a new called Chille network. I’m almost in a position to sell all my stack because i don’t see hardly any progress, a very low price, almost no volume and the chance that Bittrex will delist the coin.

Some questions\tips:

  1. What is the status of this project? I think it would be good for the people who visit this forum to make a pinned topic and tell them te status of the project and the roadmap with some dates. This will give traders some trust.
  2. Were are the 2 weekly dev updates??? please communicate with the investers.
  3. The notification on Bittrex “This market is in danger of de-listing due to low trade volume and lack of user interest.” won’t ancourage traders to buy the SEC coins because it’s been flagged. Try to encourage Bittrex to remove this notification.
  4. Have you made your decision on how many coins in Total the new n:confused:etwork will have? What does this mean for the people who bought in to the Safe Exchange ICO where there were 2,147,483,647 coins???
  5. You told us a while ago that you would hire some people for development. Whats the progress on that?

I hope we will see some progress shortly and people dare to invest in this great project again.


In terms of status: After realizing maidsafe may not cut it; to come up with a solution and get a majority of people’s agreement to do something else all took time. I developed the voting application, deployed the vote, meanwhile figuring out what can be done to still achieve our goals of an anonymous contract marketplace.

Shortly following a personal decision that maidsafe will take ‘forever’ more to build I had pursued a blockchain consulting engagement which has ended on Jan 14th. I am back in full swing on Safe Exchange knowing which direction to go and a huge set of experience. (in that consulting position i recruited and led a team of 14 to deploy a blockchain infrastructure and website)

Keep in mind we only had raised just less than 100,000 usd in the crowdsale; we still have funds left and I do believe that Chille will get launched without any further funding required. My Target is to launch Chille in Q2 this year along with the Safe Exchange Client which we will use to interact with the Chille Blockchain.

There is a website and Roadmap in the works Graphics have been made and are being organized into a website which you will see in the next few days.

These will start up again, along with a weekly video communication by me.

After the 27th this message will disappear.

When Chille mining is launched… 0.5% of the Chille coins will be distributed to the current SEC holders proportionally to % of SEC. Going forward holding SEC will earn dividends from the Chille Blockchain when people use the Safe Exchange Client to transaction across the Chille Network.

I am leaning towards there being 2.147 billion Chille Coins divisible to 2 decimal places.
But I want to open the discussion about it in the next week.

I have a good connection with a few developers who I have hired on part time basis who are working on some web developments to support our community both crypto currency and Safe Exchange; besides this I have also taken up the production of web development at this time to build the Safe Exchange Investment Page; After deployment of these informational sites I will be switching back to coding the network and blockchain. I’ve also hired a full time graphic designer to help us manifest visually these concepts to promote the world because I think it is important that people are able to securely trade at fast speeds with maximum integrity.

You’re seeing the Chille Logo for the first time; what do you think?


Thanks for the quick reply and answers.
Good to see your making progress…

My first thought was thinking of Coca Cola :blush: but it looks nice! keep it coming!


Just realised that coca-cola may have trademarked (or whatever they call it) the exact colour. @dallyshalla, it might make sense to ensure the colors are sufficiently different.

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Thanks for the update.

Does these mean holders have to have the SEC in wallets where we own the private key vs an exchange?

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There Reds are different and the Chille logo has been trademarked a couple of months ago. I forgot to add the (®) on the image lower right.

Yes that’s right you will need access to the private key to prove for redemption of your Chille coins.


Is there already a wallet we can use (also to backup the coins if Bittrex would delist SEC)? Or can we use Omni Wallet or something?


The wallet will be available ASAP. You can use the Omni wallet; Basically you can send SEC to any Bitcoin Address that you have the private key to.

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What safe guards will be in place to keep our private key secure? Will there be a set time frame to claim Chille coins?

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@Safety1st very important question. Same like with the voting application, you do not need to give up your private key from your personal safety in order to accomplish proof of ownership of the key. Signatures can be done offline and broadcast proof can happen online after the signature has been created.


@dallyshalla I would like to be part of this discussion.

Chille Food for Thought

If SAFEX can successfully facilitate the “exchange of all things”, then Exchanges like Bittrex will no longer be needed.

Currently, I have to use Coinbase to buy bitcoin then send bitcoin to an exchange to buy other crypto coins. The distribution chain looks like this…

Human ~> Local Fiat Currency ~> (Fiat/Crypto) Exchange ~> (Crypto/Crypto Exchange) ~> Human

This is a serious pain in the ass! It is also very expensive to convert back and forth. If you want to break this ugly chain then make Chille Coin very accessible. Such as…

Human ~> Chille ~> SAFEX ~> Human.

  • Chille replaces fiat currency in the chain.
  • SAFEX replaces all crypto exchanges in the chain.

Chille must be easily accessible so people can acquire it without going through an exchange. This means infinite payout for mining. But we need a better distribution mechanism. This makes Chille a “turtle” while SEC becomes the “rabbit”.

Final Note
I recall that SEC can be purchased with USD through the official SAFEX website. If that is still the case, please update us so I can invest more money directly into buying SEC.

Thank you!!!


Why so few?

? This is the first step of a project towards transparency!

SEC, for instance.dally just took 1% of it all in the ICO. Look at Ethereum or Dash (debatable)…

This, associated with a limited cap for Chille would encourage true long-term investors.

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We only need to figure how…

How can FIAT be mixed with crypto, without “getting registred” with KYC?

hey, dally, no forms for Chille, right? lol


You imply that SEC was not transparent enough?

No! I’ve written “a” project not “the” project!

It’s time for crypto to start absorve good stuff from the traditional market practises! Dally always behaved towards this, in all his decitions regarding SEC.


I treat our group as I am a part of it. We’ve done a decisive thing to pivot and accomplish our goals. That’s amazing to have happened and no easy feature since it required development and participation.

@dvnp @uqaz I think that going forward transparency on this project will increase as things are becoming more clear.

I’d mention that I’ve been adding to the developer pool of SEC even at prices at 150 satoshi and holding because I want to reach the point where we seed our first production and begin to earn dividends. Then see where we can go next.


Some more imagery in production; hope it somethings we can be proud of, I am.

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The Safe Exchange Coin in 3 dimensions digital tangible crypto currency


Dally, let me ask you something…

You’ve developed a voting app to decide where we will be heading to in terms of the project. In that time, it became clear your opinion and predisposition of a offline way of decide things (for anonimity, mainly). We downloaded the app, place our SEC addresses proving our ownership and validated our will. That was easy, but not “grandma easy”.

So, with Chille i assume you prefer things like this… For SEC i don’t see any problem, but for a marketplace app, maybe we should have a online-grandma aplication. Offers should have publicity, and creating a “bittorrent” solution won’t help on this (maybe for a small class of products).

People don’t like to download things to their PCs (except smartphone apps)… they (and me lol) are always afraid of .exe files, virus, key loggers and so…

I don’t know where is development at this point… but can’t we have both solutions? One for more private negociations and another for the posterity (grandma)?

Changing the subject, completly…
Have you ever thought on doing something using the same philosophy of It is a smart way of converting FIAT to crypto and helping people around the world (comes to mind Andreas Antounopolos’ claim that venezuelans are mining bitcoin to buy stuff on Amazon. Lots of other people could bypass import tariffs doing the same. Just send the package as a friend…), Maybe we could have a mileage program or something like that on Chille.

What do you think?