Wallet HELP!

No, you pay on BitTrex to send to your Safex wallet.

I canā€™t send my safex to my bittrex. The fee rises to 0.004 instead of 0.0001 . WHy is this?

Hey, Iā€™m having the same issue. Did you find a solution?

you can choose different fee settingsā€¦ These are recommended fee settings for the current state of the Bitcoin Blockchain. If you choose a different fee your transaction could take days to clear if you use a fee less than ā€œslowā€

12 PM15 PM19 PM

You can even type it in manuallyā€¦
27 PM

^^ not recommended


First of all iā€™m totally fan of this project and really want to give you a comliment on interacting with the community. But sorry i donā€™t see this function of ā€˜ā€™ fast, slow, and medā€™ in my Safex desktop wallet. Looks like my coins are stuck. Will the wallet automatically update itself? When will it be operational again? Just transferred ā‚¬ 1100,00 to the wallet 4/5 days ago, but now i am worried this wallet is not working properly. Please advice.

Itā€™s weird, so many people claim that wallet isnā€™t working properlyā€¦ When the wallet came out, I was able to send coins in and out without any issues. :smiley:

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You will need to update the wallet from the Safex website. Delete the previous wallet icon on your desktop. After installing the update a new wallet icon will appear on your desktop now. Use the newly created icon to access your wallet. No backup necessary. But, Donā€™t forget to use the new encrypted backup feature located in the new cog icon to further secure your safex.

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Thanks MrJ! V.0.0.2 is looking good and functioning.

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You canā€™t recover your password, unfortunately :frowning: we hope you saved your Private Key beforehand


Itā€™s all good. It was very simpleā€¦ i just downloaded the wallet again from safex.io After that i could just log in with the same password. And then i made two download from the new wallet exporting the keys/back up to my offline hard drive. Good job on the wallet update. Keep up the good work. The new wallet will bring back more trust to the community.


Glad to hear it. @vacsetron


how is it possible that bitrex takes the entire day for wallet maintenance?

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Why I have 3822 sat ?

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Safex currently runs on the bitcoin blockchain through omni. So it requires a little btc to function.

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system prefs/security/open anyway

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Hi,Milan how i can meke back up wallet?is in settings and export encrypted wallet(dat.) and export encrypted keys?thanks a lot for answer.


is the IOS wallet stable as of yet, Ive been picking up coins almost daily on bittrex as the price is dropping and maybe itā€™s time to move them, but i have no patience for non functioning silliness

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Have a look at my Tutorial


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Hi, quick question about wallet keys.
When I installed the wallet there was already a key ready to be used. I have managed to transfer some SafeX to that key/wallet.
I was playing around and I pressed ā€œCREATE KEYā€ which of course meant that now I have two.

My Question: Is it OK to use both these keys, or should i just use the first one? Is there any advantage to splitting your Safex into two keys, rather than just one?

Thanks :new_zealand: :smiley:


hi Daniel,can you tell me how i can make backup wallet on mac?thanks a lot for answer,Bart.