Wallet HELP!

Logged into Wallet. Shows 0 Safex. It showed my total balnce was correct last night. How do I fix this?

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In case you didnā€™t see the other post.


ty good sir


can you get your coins out , cause i cant get mine

I canā€™t open my safex wallet on mac due to ā€˜Unrecognised developerā€™. Why?

SAFEEX down on BITTREX Exchange for wallet maintenance?

You need to go to System Preferences and allow .dmg file to be installed on your mac :slight_smile:

It should be in Security and Privacy tab if Im not mistaken

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I deposited on my wallet , why do I have a small amount of btc even i didnt deposited in it?

hi, i forgot my wallet id

how can i reset my password. i forgot my password?

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pumpjack, to send SAFEX (or any other Omni Asset) to a wallet a very small amount of BTC is always needed. Maybe the BTC thatā€™s showing up in your wallet is the amount that was used when you transferred some SAFEX to your wallet?


No way that Iā€™m aware to recover your password if lost.

I did not want to create different topic that is why I am asking here. I installed the wallet and I am racking my brain what does this amount of bitcoin mean beside SAFEX amount. Is to some bug or maybe avarge price what I bought - cause it is possible :)? Thanks for answer

My understanding is that the type of wallet ā€œomniā€ uses a small amount of btc to send Safex. This btc amount is essentially linked to the same address as your Safex. Shortly the wallet will be fully functional when you can send btc to your Safex address to store. As of the most recent updates Iā€™ve seen. This is not functioning yet.

Still lost.

I have a similar issue. My official wallet says my balance is 0, but the onmiwallet confirms that it contains some coins.

Given this, how can I send some coins elsewhere?

Please read the updates section of the forum

Ah, thanks for the quick reply

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All my coins are missing as wellā€¦wtf?

I sent a test amount of 500 SAFEX from Bitrex into my wallet and see 0 in it. Do I need to send a small amount of Bitcoin first?