SAFEX Listed at Trade Satoshi Exchange?

Top post on their news feed/twitter/anything

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So is that the main reason why it won’t show?

That reason is in the top 10 for sure. Have you purchased cryptocurrency insurance yet?


I see alot of posts across da interwebs stating this happens whenever theres activity around a coin. Suss suss suss

600? Yep. Dont forget its price is totally relative to Bitcoins price , which has dropped significantly.


Love it lol

Safex wading through a sea of red. What a weapon. When bitcoin comes back sats will double

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Ok…not everyone of us spend our whole fricken lives on this damn forum. I thought that’s what this place is for…a simple answer would suffice!

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The irony of being delisted before a market crash😂

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Thats right. How bout a bit of respect for all. Some folks dont have the time to sift through all the threads to see if others have enquired the same. Hunk just relax , there’s alot of hotheads who think the forum is just there for them .

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Mine took 30hrs. And i would argue that i would have been one of the first to deposit into it. At the time the wallet was in maintenance. It still wemt through after the maintenance was carried out. Not sure if it is in maintenance atm it might just be busy.

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Its just Christmas shopping. People are pulling money over the holidays. I expect a rebound early Jan…


This makes alot of sense ! Good though get rid of the weak

for information regarding trade satoshi exchange --> Trade satoshi interview.

Wallets are not in maintainance or may be I mistaken they are showing ok status on my side and my deposite is not shown till now and in deposite history everything is showing confirmed I have no idea whats happening !!

Stop it with your illogical stories please. The safex coin was designed way before bitcoin had trouble with backlog of transactions. It’s not the fault of safex developers. If you’re angry about something then take a walk outside or do whatever you have to do. But stop spamming the forums with it. If you want to sell that’s your decision. there are many buyers around.

Nice, cheap coins… again

Hahahaha this is ridiculous love it . Guy went so far to make a notsafex name just to bash. Time could be used elsewhere to recover his loses but nope miseducated emotional rant blaming because didn’t do his research and now upset.

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Please, don’t let us bother you with making you read anything. It’s not as if these questions have been answered 500 times before, or stickied in the subreddit! Oh, and feel free to skip right past the topics that actually describe what you’re posting, instead feel free to take up all of our time by posting your question on any random thread you want.

You are exactly the shining example of respect that this community needs! Thank you!

This forum deserves what it gets until it elects moderators to control this kind of tripe. He must have a sad life that he finds the need and time to be like that. Like someone held his hand and forced him to buy safex. Crush the price, be cheaper to buy some more coins. No such thing as a sure bet in this game.